Thursday, December 16, 2010

When A New Blog Renders One Speechless

Some have said this winter this blizzard
has delivered an early knock out blow

What with the plethora of sliding vehicles
of slow careful drivers like me
who get fingered and cussed at and abused
for going thirty miles an hour
when you should be going seventy

It has jarred me and staggered me
placed me in mourning

I have no winter boots that comfort me
no winter parka that is fashionable

I dream of Key West and Cocoa Beach
at least Christmas in Des Moines

But here I bare my soul for a blog
the news from an open ended home
a home which can be anywhere one chooses it to be
and any vision one chooses home to be

Anymore my home is my king sized bed
with the fleece sheets
with the wintertime drawings on them
that is my solace
from the absurdities of the waking world

How I wish I could enjoy winter
but as a poet I just shiver

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