Thursday, December 30, 2010

Maine beats Erie at home by 13 in "D" League action.

(Portland Maine)--The Maine Red Claws picked up their eighth win of the year against seven defeats
besting the Erie Bayhawks at the Portland Expo Building in Portland Maine Thursday night 120-107.
Eugene Spates and Deshawn Sims each scored 21 points, Tiny Gallon had 19.

Erie        23    29   24    31            Bayhawks   107
Maine    31    29    33   27            Red Claws  120

The Red Claws out rebounded the Bayhawks 39-30.

Six Red Claws hit double figures on the night.

Erie fell to 9-6 on the season.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ernie From Burt

I'm Ernie From Burt
there are sunny daze here
sweeping the clouds away

Burt he has a big nose
fuzzy black hair
but he is much more than that

He is the wicked wind of the plains
that Ernie Pyle wrote about his his column before he died
He is the sound of the hoot owl
the sound of commiseratig friends he and I
He is a main street
He is a tiny store
He is a tall water tower
with his name on it

Burt is waiting for the flowers to bloom
While he is an urban street character
He is in actuality a small town
A microcosm of America
in an unnumbered century

I'm Ernie from Burt
We are not puppets
we are poets
if you don`t knowets

The Year Of The Cat

I felt as If I could be the one
the one to make her ears shudder
the one to make her purr as such
that she went from feline to something more loyal
but it wasn`t to pass
and I went running in remorse to my car driving away

But still I was locked away
in my parents nieghborhood
until they all died
foreigners moved into the neighborhood
and they kicked me out of the house

I felt as If I could be the one
the one with the magical power
to transcend
the need to gain knowledge
to hold her with a string that would soon snap
but alas I went to the library
staring at the librarian
wishing I could fullfill her desires
for nocturnal amusements

The sexual powers of John Boy Walton!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Something You Are Not

It takes years
and tears
to accept ones self
for what you are

What you are
What you aint

However that never prevents
the imagination from soaring
and playing pretend games
in the attic of your soul

Can we get out from underneath
Pseudo celebrity hood?

Today I will pretend to be an authority
the audience will expose me
all shriveled and cold and embarrased
reverting to my world of reading and pondering

It took years
and tears
to even think about
accepting ones self
for what you are
that where you come from
is no different
from anybody else

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Energy lose lead and contest on the road 109-102.

(Fort Wayne Indiana)--The Iowa Energy dropped a road contest to the Fort Wayne Mad Ants 109-102 on Sunday, the night after dropping a home contest to Erie 114-110. Iowa let a 13 point lead slip away
and fell to 10-5 on the season, the Mad Ants improved to 9-4. Fort Wayne scored 43 points in the fourth quarter. Courtney Sims had 17 points and 15 rebounds for Iowa leading six Energy players in double figures.
Iowa had lead 55-50 at the half and 79-66 after three quarters. The Energy will play the Mad Ants again on Tuesday at six p-m Iowa time.Iowa hit ten three pointers on the night.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bowl game and movie

Am watching the Hawaii Bowl on line and its a Wonderful Life
on T-V. Quite a Combination.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Buying Hockey Cards In A Blizzard

The greatest temptation in a blizzard in the city
is to go shopping when you should not be out
in the first place

I remember one time I went shopping
at a Woolworths in Des Moines

There was so much good stuff
albums by the 101 Strings Orchestra
A snack bar where you could sip a Coca Cola on tap
and munch an egg salad sandwhich and some wavy chips

I found some Topps Hockey Cards
and it became an impulse buy
In the check out line the woman bitched
because she thought no one had any business
being out

So I opened the Hockey Cards
and let my imagination soar about hockey
how it was so much better in person
with the ice and the pucks and the sticks
and the zamboni between periods

As a child i loved the Saint Louis Blues and the Kansas City Scouts
and the Minnesota North Stars
not to mention the Des Moines Capitols
the live hockey games I went to were few and far between
but I do have my memories

Imagination is enough to drive you out into the blizzard
I wish there was a Woolworths nearby
that would be inspiring

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Results of an I-P-W Wrestling card

Montoya X pins Tony Sly in the time of 8:10......

The tag team of Playboy Anthony Draven and Ryan Slade defeat Justin Decent and Ugly
in 12:21....

James Jeffries defeats The Big Picture in 9:29 to retain the extreme title.....

The mixed tag team of A-J Smooth and Farrah Lee defeat Sparrow and the Lovely Kiandra
in the time of 17:37....

The Comeback Kid Micheal Rhodes beats Harley Jackson in 8:46.....

Nicky Free defeats Matty Starr to retain the IPW Championship in 16:03...

The card was held at a place called the Mint in Protivin Iowa 12-18-10.....

The Flying And School Dreams

I was late to class
I have been late to class virtually all my adult life
I don`t know where my class room is
no one gave me my class schedule
and I don`t have enough time to
get there on time

This has been the theme of many dreams
of my recent years of adult lifetime

The dream ladies they tried to help me
but I don`t understand
they don`t understand how seriously I am taking these dreams

In this latest dream
I resort to the illogical human skill of flying
to find where I am supposed to be
to make up for lost time
in order to give the flight some poetic quality
my mind thinks of  an instramental accoustic spanish flamingo song
by Al DiMeola
to give it some more twist

I never find what I seek
only some stolen glances from some females
I will never romanticize

But I marvel at the thought and the grace
and the faith it took to achieve human flight,

Magic and Reality

The magic of peforming and reality of public drunken-ness

We are here too early
will the ring truck arrive on time

Will anyone attend a show in a town this small

The cealing was low
so the ring was set up
very low to the floor

The average person
does not know the labor involving in setting up a ring
of arranging chairs so people can sit
of preparing some music and a loudspeaker
of arranging a place to dress

they come in
and drink their drinks
and participate in our theatre

in the instances in which someone
actually gets hurt
they in their drunken-ness believe it to be part of the show
it was down right embarrasing
and difficult for the show to go on

in the aftermath
they drunkely gawked as
the ring was tore down
much like a temporary circus

so we come and go
into and out of our lives
in such a short space of time
will the remembrance be anything but temporary

but the dream lives on
the tires are flattened
the miles pass by

The Christmas lights are beautiful
and the snow helps to light up the night

This does not forgive those who mocked the injured
even though they suspended their disbelief

but as you sip your alcohol
do you dare take for granted
that something appears and dissapears like magic
do you dare assume
that the drunk
find some way to make it home
without sliding into a ditch
and wrapping themselves around a poll

I will admit that i lament my profit as a performer
only for a short while

I will state again I was embarrased for the drunk
that kicked our performer when he was down and hurt
he should have been tazered back to reality

but we always try to give back 110%
we always try to love our neighbors
we always try to help those who dream
dream their dreams

So as this winter of silly self imposed
disconent continues
I am thankful for this mid winter shakesperian adventure
for the life experiences contained within

Friday, December 17, 2010

A new book of poems by Eric Rawson.

A plug for a new book of poems by Eric Rawson of Pasadena California
called the Hummingbird Hour. Here is the link address for more information: Hummingbird Hour (9781936370139):Eric Rawson:Books

This is a collection of years of this man`s work

As a fellow poet I wish him the very best!

The radio stations Christmas party.

It was very nice to see a return in this day and age
to a radio station Christmas Party which was
held at Billie Joe`s in downtown Algona.

The establishment has become very popular
on Thursday night`s because of thirty cent
chicken wings that are offered.

Our staffers consumed chicken wings
and appetizer type food
enough to last a while.

We exchanged gifts and enjoyed
each others company
again it was quite nice to partake
in such an endeavor.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is Facebook down???????

I am reminded about the
episode of South Park
where the internet goes down
and the character named Randy
utters the phrase
"I need to get onto the internet,
and find out why the internet is down"

That is my feeling about Facebook this afternoon

I wanted to share something and can`t get on

and so I wish to go on Facebook
to find out why I can`t get on Facebook

Such a far cry from sitting on the porch
and sipping mint julips
or is it?????

When A New Blog Renders One Speechless

Some have said this winter this blizzard
has delivered an early knock out blow

What with the plethora of sliding vehicles
of slow careful drivers like me
who get fingered and cussed at and abused
for going thirty miles an hour
when you should be going seventy

It has jarred me and staggered me
placed me in mourning

I have no winter boots that comfort me
no winter parka that is fashionable

I dream of Key West and Cocoa Beach
at least Christmas in Des Moines

But here I bare my soul for a blog
the news from an open ended home
a home which can be anywhere one chooses it to be
and any vision one chooses home to be

Anymore my home is my king sized bed
with the fleece sheets
with the wintertime drawings on them
that is my solace
from the absurdities of the waking world

How I wish I could enjoy winter
but as a poet I just shiver

Monday, December 13, 2010

Poem of the day!

Must Have Been Moonglow

Sometimes I wish I had been properly taught to dance
and not have felt self concious about it

They always say dance like no one is watching you
sing like no one is listening

Writing as if no one is reading
is even easier

More on the snows aftermath.

Feel very fortunate to have been able to stay home for two days during the snow
storm. From the stories from out and about I feel even more fortunate.
The wind blew a large sign over at the Super 8 motel in Algona.
It wasn`t a good time to venture out especially if you had to.
Saw some good movies including Roman Holiday, The Bishop's Wife and Annie Hall,
took in an on line version of an Iowa Energy game as they defeated the New Mexico Thunderbird 103-89.
May it be at least little while before we take on another winter storm, at least a little bit of
a reprieve thank you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The aftermath!

The snow here was not all that formidable, the wind did roar
though. My car doors were frozen shut but then opened
and the car barely started. I drove the car around some to
warm it up and with luck I should be able to get to work
Monday. I sense others had it worse.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A poem of the night for you.....

The Eagle Has Landed

I have a little purple car
it was my moms before she died
and sentimentally
I would like to keep it going

One morning while trying to drive the four miles
to work outside town
we had another in a long series of
winter storm scenarios

Slow careful driving
unsure if the purple Escort would make it
nearly veering off the road I could not see
feeling the vibration of the shoulder I veered upon

Then came the unplowed gravel
gunning the engine
just two or three more small snow
drifts to get through

When it was over I felt like Neil Armstrong
by himself
having made it to the wintry surface of
the Kossuth County moon


Gingerbread men are being made.....

Cable service has been interupted...the wife and two nieghbors are
making gingerbread people...a good way to pass the time
during this winter storm....

Kudos for Premier PIzza!

Algona`s Premiere Pizza remained open in the midst of the blizzard!
Kudos to Paul and Theresa DeLange and to Joanna Murphy for remaining
open and providing good food before wisely closing for the night.

Poem of the Day from Chuck: A Walking Can Of Spam

A Walking Can Of Spam

She was a walking can of spam
an advertisement on the web
you did not want

He also was a walking can of spam
a container affordable
but too difficult to open
a meat to easy to burn

She was a walking can of spam
a product you could slice too thin
fodder for the malnourished
and staying that way

He was also a walking can of spam
eggs barely sunny side up
partial to cayenne pepper
the likes of which make you sneeze

She was a walking can of spam
seeking mister right
in the face of mister human

He was also a walking can of spam
even though the can opener broke
he had compassion and love
that slid out of the container
and plopped on the plate

Snow storm finally hits Algona.

After many hours of mere rain the snow finally hit Algona with
somewhat of a vengence. The town had been waiting with
baited breath.



Algona 56 Webster City 20
A-R 40 G-T 31
ELC 50 Emmetsburg 20
Forest City 34 North Iowa 27
Saint Eds 62 Bishop Garrigan 37
Garner Hayfield 48 Newman 33
Hampton Dumont 66 Clarion Goldfield 62
NSK 40 WCLT 33
PAPP 42 SE Webster Grand 34
TRV 57 CWL 39
West Bend Mallard 52 Ventura 41
West Hancock 68 Osage 59
WDM Valley 53 Fort Dodge 40
ot Waukee 70 Mason City 69
Clear Lake 40 Humboldt 21
Lake Mills 70 Belmond Klemme 23

Boys High School Basketball

Fort Dodge 62 WDM Valley 58
Saint Eds 66 Bishop Garrigan 47
Webster City 53 Algona 47
PAPP 73 SE Webster Grand 27
CWL 59 TRV 57
Garner Hayfield 54 Newman 42
WCLT 64 NSK 42
Lake Mills 74 Belmond Klemme 67
Clear Lake 54 Humboldt 47
Hampton Dumont 52 Clarion Goldfield 33
Ventura 57 West Bend Mallard 38
North Iowa 38 Forest City 31
Osage 62 West Hancock 49
Waukee 64 Mason City 34

High School Wrestling:

Forest City 78 Belmond Klemme 0

Juco Wrestling:

NIACC 24 Saint Olaf 15

Juco Men`s basketball:

2 ot Iowa Central 73 Sauk Valley 71

Juco Women`s basketball:

Iowa Lakes 67 Southeastern 55

Omaha 2 Sioux City 1 (so)
Dubuque 2 Tri-City 1
Cedar Rapids 3 U-S Nationals 2
Muskegon 4 Waterloo 3
Fargo 3 Lincoln 0

Quad City 4 Missouri 3

Friday, December 10, 2010

Iowa State shades Iowa men!

(Iowa City)--Iowa State shaded Iowa in Iowa City Friday night in mens college basketball
action 75-72. Scott Christopherson had 30 points for the Cyclones on 10-17 shooting including
seven three pointers. The Clones erased a nine point halftime deficit in garnering victory.
The Hawks shot only 38% on the night, Bryce Cartwright was 2-14 from the field.
Matt Gatens led Iowa with 15 points.

Iowa Energy 103 New Mexico 89

(Des Moines)--The Iowa Energy picked up a 14 point win Friday night over the New Mexico
Thunderbirds in NBA D-League action 103-89 at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines.
Energy Othyus Jeffers had 16 points, 14 rebounds and five assists, Courtney Sims had 24 points and 11
rebounds, former Oklahoma City Thunder Kyle Weaver had 19 for Iowa. Curtis Stinson had nine assists.
Iowa has now won eight of nine games to start the season, the Thunderbirds fell to 4-4. The two teams
play again Sunday afternoon in Des Moines with a tipoff time of four p-m.

The Pigs In Blankets couldn`t be beat!

The Pigs In Blankets for supper combined
with Instant Tea
drew rave reviews
from this old reporter
from this old poet

yum yum

The staggering cost of potatoes o'brien.....

My dream was potatoes o'brien for lunch
What I got instead was potato rounds
which were an awful dissapointment
words cannot express
it came down to cost
no one
I mean no one
should have to pay 2.39
for a bag of potatoes o'brien
just because they were made
by Ore Ida

Evelyn is home safe!

The Mrs.has been successfully brought home in
the rain before the sleet and ice.
Ms.Moore tonight will prepare
Pigs In Blankets for supper
with cheese to clarify.


$2.99 Crossword Puzzle Book

Will you buy me a $2.99 crossword puzzle book
I have to get my brain going
to rediscover that as hard as I try
I am only 47% smart
and did not
could not
pay attention in the classes I was supposed to pay attention in
Well you say you can only afford the dollar puzzle book
with redundant clues
In the dollar puzzle books I am 62% smart

Winter storm starts as rain....

The first element of the latest winter storm has been rain, I am so glad
I go to pick up my wife in less than an hour from work, for the next two
days she doesn`t have to go to work and I don`t have to go to work!

More winter looms

A winter storm scenario beckons. We shall see what we shall see!